Life coach
16 Dec

What you need is a reliable set of practices for unleashing your greatest abilities. If you follow these 3 habits and you will see that you're climbing the mountain of success in your life and health.

You might had good intentions and strong work ethic, but if you are not making progress in your health or you can't see where you are,  or there is no mindset, or you have no clear direction towards your life path, it means,  you have self doubts. 

These self doubts drowning you in a pool of stress and depression. 

Now what you have to do - just follow the path of these 3 habits without asking too many questions to yourself. You can become a true leader of you mind and you will figure out yourself without looking for help from others.

1. Get up early in the morning 

I have heard so many leaders describe morning miracles in some form or others....

Here are some important quotes...

                "I can get up at 8am and be rested... or I can get up at 5am and be president", Jimmy Carter 

"Join the 5am club, your most valuable hours are 5am-8am. They have the least interruptions" Robin Sharma    

Focused, productive successful mornings generate focused productive successful days  --- which inevitably create a successful life" Hal Elrod

Unhealthy sleeping pattern generate stress and this stress ultimately kills energy and well-being. Remember, stress slows the production of new brain cells, reduce serotonin liquid and dopamine liquid(which are critical for your mood). 

 Good news is, you can reduce your stress issues and overall whole day performance by getting up early in the morning. You can set your goals to minimise stress. These morning goals, effortlessly maintain your  success and reduce stress issues

 2. Clarity: Who you are?

Who you are means, what do you value and what are your strengths and weaknesses. 

Most of the people fall into a trap to find clarity when they find it from outside rather than themselves. For example, asking other people about you, trying new things, sorting through life opportunities, what's right for you. 

You can get clarity from careful thoughts and mindful experiences of your life.It comes from asking yourself questions continually and further refining your perspective on life. 

Think about how positive you feel about yourself. It will take you to another level of thoughts where you can understand yourself. If you have positive emotions, you can see clear picture of yourself. But if have negative emotions, you cannot see yourself or your strengths clearly. This lack of clarity can give you idea about your weaknesses, but will not boost remarkable strengths

So what you have to do, you just have to keep asking yourself who you are and what you want, then you will get this answer, I know who I am and I am clear about my values, strengths and weaknesses, you will feel a peace of mind. No stress can exist in clear mind. 

3 Habits You Must Need to Adapt to Stop Your Stress

3. Make your life meaningful for yourself and for others

How do you know when you are doing something meaningful?

Remember, not every mountain is worth the climb. Most of the people spend their time doing things that they find meaningful but in reality, it makes them unhappy and stressful. 

Pleasing other people without measuring results is not meaningful. Sometimes we behave like a puppet, if you please others you will feel happy, because they are happy. But if they hurt you, you will get sad or hurt which is a starting point of stress issues. 

You need to spend more of your time to find meaningful purpose of your life. which is beneficial for you and for others. It fulfilling for you and helpful for others. You could choose your interest from your experiences and solve other people's problems if implementable . 

Remember, our striving for a meaningful life is one of the main factors associated with psychological well-being. Making valuable actions for yourself and for others with right measurement, can make your life meaningful and stress free.

Now you can ask yourself, do you have these fundamental habits to reduce your stress issues. If you haven't, please think through these procedure to find theses questions within you.

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